Foreign News

Tragedy Strikes: Emir of Gobir Killed by Kidnappers After Ransom Deadline Passes

In a devastating turn of events, the Emir of Gobir, Isa Bawa, has been brutally murdered by his captors after being held hostage for three weeks. The 73-year-old traditional ruler was abducted alongside his son while traveling to Sabon Birni, near the Niger border. Despite ongoing negotiations and a ransom demand, the kidnappers carried out their threat and killed the emir after the payment deadline passed.

The monarch’s death comes just days after a video surfaced showing him pleading for his release. His body remains in the possession of the assailants, while efforts are underway to secure the release of his son, who is still in captivity.

This tragic incident highlights the severe security challenges posed by criminal gangs in northwestern Nigeria, where traditional rulers have become targets of attacks. The region has long been plagued by banditry, kidnappings, and violent attacks on villages, displacing communities and disrupting agriculture.

The killing of Emir Isa Bawa adds to the growing list of attacks on traditional rulers in Nigeria, underscoring the need for urgent action to address the security crisis and protect these influential cultural leaders.

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