

The Founder of the Movement for Change and an independent presidential candidate for the 2024 general election,  Alan Kyeremateng shared his views on the aftermath of the just-ended NPP Presidential Primaries that saw the Party election Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as the new Presidential Candidate for the ruling party.

Mr Kyeremateng, dug deep into his perspective on the election of Dr Bawumia in a question & answer session with the state-owned Ghanaian Times.

Quest. H.E the Vice President, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has been elected as the flagbearer of the NPP. Are you surprised or was it expected?
Ans. Whilst using this opportunity to congratulate His Excellency the Vice President in taking over the mantle of leadership in the NPP, his selection as flagbearer is not a surprise to any serious political watcher. It was the widely anticipated outcome of the elections. I had been saying all along that the electoral process had been strategically and tactically skewed in favour of a particular candidate. That is what we saw on Saturday.

Quest. What about the margin of victory? Surely, 60% is a clear indicator?
Ans. To the contrary. Judging from the widely publicized expected margin of not less than 80% in favour of the Vice President, I am inclined to think that the 60% vote for him provides a clear indication that the Vice President does not have total control of his own Party. The election results must also be analysed against the background that the Vice President has been campaigning for the Flagbearership since 2020, and has been the beneficiary of both State and Party sponsored support.

In addition to the above, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong’s strong showing, even in areas where he lost to the Vice President, points clearly to the fact that the Vice President lacks broad national appeal. Ken’s call to Alan supporters to vote for him, which seems to have worked in his favour, also shows my continuing relevance and popularity amongst the rank and file of the NPP.

Quest. Can the NPP break the eight?
Ans. Well, the emerging chorus and narrative from the Party for ‘Unity’ to Break the Eight, has very little relevance to the loud public demand for change in the political leadership of our country, to respond to the critical challenges of our time. The call to Break the Eight does not reflect the everyday concerns of the majority of Ghanaians, about the ailing economy and the lack of jobs for the teeming youth of Ghana.

So for me, the chances of NPP Breaking the Eight is very slim. In the same vein however, the NDC does not provide a credible alternative. It is against this background, that the ever increasing appetite of Ghanaians for a ‘Third Force’, must be considered as the only hope for Ghana to rise again. This is where the newly established Movement for Change under my leadership, becomes the saving grace for Ghana.

My record both within Government and the Private Sector in Ghana and around the world, makes me the right choice to lead Ghana, after the expiration of the term of office of the current Government.

Quest. So how do you rate your chances against other Presidential Candidates?
Ans. Without necessarily pre-empting the emergence of any other Presidential Candidates, it is likely that the personalities that will dominate the ballot paper in December 2024, will be Alan, Mahama and Bawumia. If this eventually materialises, then one can reasonably predict that I will win the general elections and become the first Independent Candidate to be elected as President of the Republic of Ghana.

Quest. You sound very confident of a win. But we know independent candidates do not do so well compared to the candidates of the two dominant parties, the NPP and the NDC?

Ans. After over 30 years of rotation of power between the NDC and NPP in the Fourth Republic, voters are demanding that Ghana moves beyond the duopoly of NDC and NPP. Never in the history of our country, has the quest and thirst for change been so pronounced. Therefore, the case for a non-partisan Independent Presidential Candidate could not have been better articulated than now. In addition, I have been a dominant figure in NPP politics since its establishment, and therefore the viability of my candidature for President cannot be evaluated on the same basis, as other Independent Presidential Candidates that have emerged in the past.
Be that as it may, it is clear that the people of Ghana are looking for a transformational leader, and in all humility, I believe I am fit for that purpose, particularly with the outdooring of my Great Transformational Plan (GTP) for Ghana.

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