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Gbese Traditional Council Admits 2 New Chiefs

A ceremony has been held in Ga Mashie to admit and recognise the chiefs of Okaishie and Nii Ayi-Bonteman under the Gbese Stool.

Nii Ayi-Bonte II (seated middle), the Gbese Mantse, with Nii Ayi Odum Wulu I (2nd from right-back row), Nii Ayi Kotofai I (3rd from left-back row) and some elders of the Gbese Stool


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The ceremony, superintended by the Gbese Mantse, Nii Ayi Bonte II, was held at the Gbese Mantse’s Palace in Accra. It was marked with pomp and pageantry amidst the musketry and beating of the fontomfrom drums, to indicate the importance of the event.

The Okaishie Chief, Nii Ayi Odum Wulu I, known in private life as Enoch Nii Ayi Quaye, and the Nii Ayi-Bonteman Chief, Nii Ayi Kotofai I, also known as Nii Ayi Amon, attended the ceremony with entourages made up of the elders of their respective palaces.

They were welcomed to the forecourt of the Gbese Mantse Palace by the members of the Gbese Traditional Council, where Nii Ayi-Bonte sat in state to perform the traditional rites to admit the pair as august members of the council.


Preceding their swearing-in ceremony, the two sub-chiefs took turns to swear the oaths of office and allegiance to the Gbese Mantse. Nii Gbese said through checks and consultation, the choice of the persons to take over the mantle of traditional leadership in Okaishie and Nii Ayi-Bonteman fell on Nii Ayi Odum Wulu I and Nii Ayi Kotofai I.

Legitimate process

In his remarks after administering the oaths, Nii Gbese stressed that no head of family under the Gbese Stool could enstool a sub-chief without his knowledge and introduction to the Gbese Dzasetse for vetting and approval.

The Gbese Mantse advised the two chiefs to lead in humility and also pray for God’s wisdom so they could lead effectively to ensure the progress and development of Gbese.

The two chiefs expressed their gratitude to Nii Ayi Bonte II for the honour and promised to work hard in their areas to move Gbese forward.

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