
Akrobeto Advises Women on Love and Marriage: Focus on Personal Growth, Not Desperation

Veteran actor and comedian Akrobeto has offered words of wisdom to women navigating the challenges of finding love, urging them to avoid desperation and societal pressures. Speaking on a recent episode of Real News, where he serves as the host, Akrobeto emphasized the pitfalls of rushing into relationships solely out of fear of aging or societal expectations.

Addressing young women seeking marriage, Akrobeto cautioned against desperation, suggesting that such eagerness could lead to partnering with irresponsible men.

“I can confidently say that no responsible man will come your way if you’re desperate for marriage. When difficulties arise, he may openly admit that he never truly cared for you, but you forced the marriage on him,” Akrobeto stated.

Drawing from personal experience, he recounted being rejected in his youth by a woman who deemed him unfit due to his lack of a bank account.

“This lady once told me that without a bank account and savings, how would I support her after marriage. Today, I have substantial savings. However, this doesn’t mean you should accept proposals from just any man,” he added.

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Akrobeto advised single women, particularly those between 25 to 30 years old, not to set excessively high standards that might deter potential suitors. Instead, he encouraged them to focus on personal development and achieving life goals, asserting that a well-rounded life naturally attracts suitable partners.

“Work hard and build a fulfilling life for yourself. Men will appreciate and pursue you for who you are. Avoid broadcasting your search for a husband; let your confidence and achievements speak for themselves,” Akrobeto advised.

Real name Akwasi Boadi, Akrobeto underscored the importance of self-assurance and personal fulfillment, urging women to cultivate these qualities rather than succumb to societal pressures regarding marriage.

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